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After long doubts about our holiday destination (read 'where is the weather nice in September, without having to spend more than 12 hours in the car?'), Arnoud & Sanne's camper seemed like the ideal solution. No long car journey in one go, everything at hand (handy with small children!) and we don't like the weather or the place? Then we can continue again! We therefore rented the camper from Arnoud & Sanne with great pleasure. The camper has been made with care, contains everything you need (including a kettle since our stay. Haha, as luxury cats, we missed this a bit) and is very attractively decorated on the inside! We traveled with our two-year-old daughter and our 6-month-old son. Now I just have to put it on because the little man fit perfectly between us in the large bed. We were afraid in advance that it would be a challenge in terms of supplies, but that turned out to be an unwarranted concern. Both the buggy and pram could be taken along, the Ikea high chair, a balance bike and of course the other holiday necessities including a jar of peanut butter. In addition, we were very happy with the scooters that made it easier to move around on site. Waking up with the four of us was a joy and on the cold mornings the heater did its job perfectly! Although we were surprised by the size of the camper once we stood next to it, it drove well and was easy to do! All in all, highly recommended! Oh and of course not unimportant: super nice contact with both Arnoud and Sanne, in the run-up to and during the rental period! September 2023