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We had a great weekend in which we secretly fell in love with (baptized by us) “Ben the Van”. Tessa has really thought of everything: the bus is wonderfully spacious, spacious and nice bed and bedding, fine things, good fan, cozy accessories, beautiful lighting, three-burner gas stove and oven (!), etc. etc. A wonderful endless spacious garage for everything you want to take with you. We are now spoiled for life in other campers. It takes some getting used to the size, steering and shifting: after all, it is a big boy with a bit of roughness that has been polished away in the cars of recent years. But you get used to it quickly, you adapt to the new rhythm, and everything the bus has in it more than makes up for that little rougher edge! We weren't the only ones whose heart was stolen by the bus: everywhere we went people started talking to us about the bus (“it's buzzing around the campsite!”), which resulted in very nice conversations and also made us glow with pride instead. ;) A night off grid is a party because that's what it's made for. Communication with Tessa was relaxed, fast and clear! Despite making every inch of the bus herself, she and her husband are warmly relaxed when handing it over to renters - with clear instructions on key points to note. We felt really lucky to have been able to enjoy this bus for a few nights! July 2022