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Thanks to the simple filter options on the GB site, we quickly came to the camper Van Ans and Mari. Neat camper with many options that make traveling nice. Think of a full-fledged freezer, oven and the leveling system. There was also plenty of room with our 3 large teenagers, both day and night. The camper is also fine for several days in a row without camping. Always 220v through the solar panel. And gas ensures that the cooling continues to work properly. Landlords are clearly very careful with the camper, which ensures a neat camper. And sometimes some stress with us to keep it that way 🤣. All in all, the camper and its landlords have certainly contributed to a fantastic holiday. August 2022
Response from Ans Aanvankelijk waren we wat angstig om onze camper te verhuren aan een gezin met 3 pubers. Maar we dachten: laat het los. Toen we de jongens zagen wisten we meteen dat het goed zat. Ze hebben voor onze camper gezorgd alsof het hun eigen bezit was. Zulke huurders, daar doen we het voor! Bedankt Martijn, Miranda en de jongens!